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Nowe Dąbie II
Nowe Dąbie II
Nowe Dąbie II

Nowe Dąbie II

Offer number: 4750
Kraków , Grzegórzki

Detailed information

Number of floors
Last update
Price from: - PLN


Nowe Dąbie II is an investment offering flats of varying size, which makes it suitable for many clients. Great location in a quiet Downtown. This is a great place for those who want to relax from the hustle and bustle of the city whilst staying close to the center. In close proximity there are min. Park of Polish Airmen, which makes it possible to relax in the fresh air. Nearby are walking trails, designated cycling routes and most importantly a place that allows you to relax in nature and green. New Dąbie II is a place for people who value amenities in close proximity to shops, schools, entertainment venues or sports facilities.
Within the Nowe Dąbie II project, two six- and three-storey buildings with elevators are being constructed. There will be 252 residential units and 25 retail and service outlets.

According to the Civil Code, this offer is not an offer for trade.

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I consent to the processing of my personal data by 1) Polo Group Thomas Leach (NIP: 6762284832), and 2) Leach and Management Katarzyna Balawejder sp.j. (NIP: 6762484502) based at ul. Garncarska 8/4, 31-115 Kraków, as well as 3) Leach & Lang Beata Zalewska, ul. Giełdowa 4a/25, 01-211 Warszawa (NIP: 8231141526), all entities operating under the banner of Leach & Lang Property Consultants in order to contact us regarding the offer.
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I consent to the processing of my personal data by Polo Group Thomas Leach, ul. Garncarska 8/4, 31-115 Kraków, NIP: 6762284832 to contact us regarding the offer of Leach & Lang Property Consultants.
I declare that I have read and accept it Privacy policy.
I consent to receiving commercial information electronically, including marketing content in the area of ​​real estate trading within the meaning of the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means