Selling, buying or even renting an apartment is a huge undertaking, and sometimes even a finial of a longtime dreams. These kind of decisions usually involve considerable financial outlays and therefore it is worth to consult a qualified expert who will help us safely go through the entire process and give a support of a … Continued
Cooperation with a real estate agency – what are the benefits for the seller and for the buyer / tenant and landlord?
Selling, buying or even renting an apartment is a huge undertaking, and sometimes even a finial of a longtime dreams. These kind of decisions usually involve considerable financial outlays and therefore it is worth to consult a qualified expert who will help us safely go through the entire process and give a support of a specialist knowledge and experience.
We present below some of the most important benefits of working with an agent when selling / renting real estate:
- professional and objective evaluation of the property, its advantages and disadvantages, which enables the most optimal property valuation and converts into financial satisfaction and affects the real time of sale / rental,
- professional photos of the real estate and reliable presentation of the offer on many real estate portals, which gives better visibility of the offer on the market and leads to increasing the number of customers interested in the offer,
- own database of clients looking for a real estate,
- assistance in negotiations and in organizing the documents needed to complete the transaction; assistance in solving possible problems in case of inaccuracies or errors related to property ownership.
- support and advice on preliminary and final contracts; preparation of rental agreements and reservation agreements.
Advantages of cooperation with agency when buying / renting real estate:
- own database of real estate for purchase, enabling the best match of the property to the client’s preferences,
- investment advisory,
- assistance in negotiations,
- checking the legal status of the property and coordinating the purchase / lease process,
- support and advice on rental, reservation, preliminary and final agreements,
- possibility of continuing or supplementing the cooperation, including its rental, property management as well as its finishing (design and execution), thanks to a comprehensive offer tailored to the expectations of customers.
To sum up, Leach & Lang as a real estate agency supports implementation your real estate plans and comprehensively secures the transaction process. Since we operate in a very wide range of services related to real estate transactions and management, as well as purchase financing, you do not need to look for a separate company that will check your creditworthiness, organize property management, interior finishing, tax settlement or insurance; because all of this can be organized for you by our highly qualified specialists.
Finally, it should be mention that when choosing a real estate agency, it`s worth to verify company`s experience and reputation – Leach & Lang has been operating on the Polish market for over a dozen years, advising from the beginning in a wide area of a real estate market issues. Our success as well as unquestionable position are evidenced by a wide group of satisfied customers. We are also leaders in real estate management services for individual and institutional clients in Poland; as well as we carefully observe the latest trends on the market and on these basis we implement innovations in order to offer the highest level of services to our clients.